Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Are we driving ourselves crazy?

A wise person (or maybe he was insane) once defined insanity as the process of doing something over and over and expecting a different result. Sometimes isn't that the rut of our lives?

We wake up each morning, perform the same routine and hope that somehow the day will be better, or at least different, than the day before. Sure there are little variations to a day that fade as time passes. At the end of the year, or month, or week, are our days all that different?

How do we break that mold? How do we make each day memorable in its own right?

Jimmy Buffett says "if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane". I think he is on to something there! If that laughter comes from joy and a genuine hapiness, every day can be different. Think about it...what makes the best days in our lives stand out? Nine times out of ten it is a happy event. And more than remembering details, we remember feelings. We remember how good it felt to smile, to laugh, to love life.

So open that window, grab life, and love it!


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